Jun 27, 2012
To get things started, Jad is fascinated by the first paragraph of an article by Mary Roach, in which she makes a bold claim about a daring attempt to provide proof that there is life after death. She tells us the story of Thomas Lynn Bradford and his journey to the other side.
Then, producer Sean Cole introduces us to a mysterious young woman with a beguiling smile who turned up in Paris near the end of the 19th century. She became a huge sensation--even though she happened to be dead. You'd probably recognize her face yourself. You might have even touched it.
BBC producer Jeremy Grange tells the story of this face, known simply as "L'inconnue de la Seine" (the unknown woman of the Seine), and how it found its way into living rooms across Europe...until a toy maker in Norway realized it would be the perfect face for a new dummy he creating to help a doctor teach his new method for saving lives: CPR.
Asmund Laerdal, a toy maker in Norway who developed a dummy to help doctor Peter Safar teach CPR, with the doll Resusci Anne.
L'inconnue (wiki commons) and Resusci Anne (Phil_Parker/flickrCC-BY-2.0)
Read more:
Mary Roach, Spook