Oct 17, 2012
OK. Leaves are on the ground, Reese's are on the display... it's time to start thinking about your Halloween costume.
This year, Radiolab is challenging you to a Halloween Costume Contest. Send us a photo of whatever you create this year, and the winner will get a tricked-out, autographed poster from the Radiolab crew. Plus, he or she will get to read the credits on an upcoming podcast. And get all kinds of fanfare on the blog and Facebook. So unleash those hot glue guns and sewing kits, break out the felt and the fake blood, and show us some costume GREATNESS:
What are we looking for? We're not sure. Surprise us. Freak us out. Make us laugh. We want to see you having fun and doing something innovative. Scary would get my attention. I also happen to be a sucker for a good visual riddle. (Dress all in pink. Tape a sneaker to the top of your head. Huhhh?? Chewing Gum!) A good topical reference might be the way go (remember in 2006 when everyone was running around dressed as scarrrrry E. Coli?). What's scary now?
Jad, Robert, and I will choose the winner.
The costumes do NOT need to be related to Radiolab shows, but we are not unbiased souls and if you find a way to make Stochasticity Slutty... well -- Oh what's that? The entire staff is groaning that they would NOT like to see a Slutty Stochasticity? (Fine. But ya know you got one vote in your corner. Wink, wink.) The point is, we’ll probably have a soft spot for costumes that put a well-designed, witty spin on a sciencey concept. (Take Lynn Levy's Angler Fish costume -- cardboard fangs plus a bike light dangling from a bowler hat. Swoon city.)
So invent it. Dress in it. And snap us a shot. REMEMBER: your costume and photo must be from THIS YEAR (no entering costumes of yore. Challenge yourself to create new brilliance!).
Click “submit your response” on the slideshow at the top of this post to upload your picture and enter a caption. Or if you have our mobile app, enter a photo right from your phone.
Contest closes November 1st at 10pm. We’ll announce the winner in early November, stay tuned for more…
I will now share my personal best costume of all time.
2008. Big tinfoil dress, tinfoil-covered party hat, Hershey's streamer. Face in corpse paint, carrying a scythe… ??? Kiss of Death. Uhn! I am still proud and I don't care that that girl on the street screamed "Hey, look! A baked potato!"